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Loughborough’s Doctoral Well-Being and Support Online Survey: A pro-active tool to investigate student needs, well-being and progression

Abstract - HEA Surveys Conference 2017

Postgraduate research (PGR) student challenges are unique from undergraduate and postgraduate taught student populations.  The different academic, environmental, interpersonal and intrapersonal issues that PGRs may face can have a significant impact on their well-being and subsequent ability to achieve their full-potential.

It is important that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) take a pro-active approach to investigate PGR well-being to establish areas for improvement and identify current strengths. In that regard, the Doctoral Well-being and Support Online Survey was developed at Loughborough University. Whilst the ultimate goal of the survey was to provide a valuable contribution towards the University’s strategic ambition to achieve a world-class doctoral experience, the survey has been shared widely with several HEIs throughout the UK and adapted for other cohorts.

In this session, the development of the survey, key findings and subsequent actions will be shared.  Information on how to access the survey will also be provided.