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NET 2018 Conference: Humanising Healthcare education: Preparing Healthcare students to meet the needs of forced migrant patient groups through teaching by experts by experience: A debate piece

Issues for debate paper

Forced migrant communities often have particular vulnerabilities and can struggle to access appropriate healthcare. This debate will initiate dialogue on what are appropriate educational approaches for preparing health and social care students to meet the needs of forced migrant communities. It will discuss reflections and student evaluation taken from five years of people with lived experience of forced migration co-delivering sessions to students on healthcare undergraduate and postgraduate courses. It will argue that such input may help students to “humanise” the needs of forced migrant communities and impact upon their knowledge confidence and attitude.

Day 1, Strand 2C, HHE - North, Kouloungou-Mambs.pdf
Day 1, Strand 2C, HHE - North, Kouloungou-Mambs.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.