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NET2019 - Enhancing paediatric Radiography education through the use of simulation

Student radiographers have cited Paediatric Radiography as an aspect of practice that is a ‘challenge’; makes them ‘nervous’ and ‘apprehensive’; and worried about ‘compliance’ (Ellwood and Crohn 2014). A ‘Ready-or-Not Tot ®’ male baby manikin was purchased to enhance Paediatric Radiography teaching sessions. Students were able to handle the 'baby' and were encouraged to reflect on their reactions when the 'baby' started crying and became distressed and explore future coping strategies for practice. Two pairs of students also volunteered to take care of the 'baby' for 24 hours to gain an insight into the parent's perspective and report their experiences back to their peers. 

NET2019 - Michelle Ellwood
NET2019 - Michelle Ellwood View Document