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Teaching and Learning Conference 2019: Making inspiration mainstream: Innovative pedagogies for the real world

In our session we reframe innovation as a mainstream activity for real-world learning highlighting practices that while in themselves might be innovative in their approach or formulation nevertheless are presented as standard and integral to the learning experience thus keeping them real achievable and effective. We introduce a three-stranded model for innovative practice each strand based on different understandings of the teaching space. Teaching spaces should be flexible enough to contain innovation and inclusive enough that learners feel motivated to engage (King et al 2015). The teaching space can be physical or digital individual or institutional; in each case it is a space for roles and responsibilities to be negotiated and knowledge to be actively constructed. 

Making inspiration mainstream Innovative pedagogies for the real world.pdf
Making inspiration mainstream Innovative pedagogies for the real world.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.