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Dr Rhiannon Lord

Picture frame Rhiannon Lord
Job Title:
Lecturer of Sociology of Sport, Abertay University

Rhiannon is currently the Programme Leader for BSc (Hons) Sport Development and Coaching at Abertay University.  She is a lecturer of sociology of sport in the Division of Sport and Exercise Sciences and a Senior Fellow of the High Education Academy.  She is committed to developing inclusive curricula and inclusive sport-based practice.  Rhiannon is also an Athena SWAN Charter reviewer for Advance HE and as such is interested in intersectional issues including but not limited to the intersection of gender and ethnicity.  Her research looks at individuals’ lived experiences of sport and exercise subcultures, specifically their storied and embodied experiences.  Through this approach she also highlights the importance of giving unrepresented individuals’ and groups a voice in and through research.