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Dr Ashleigh Prosser

Dr Ashleigh Prosser, FHEA, has been working in higher education across various academic and professional service roles since 2013. As a result, she has a strong background in teaching, learning design, and leading change and transformation in the tertiary learning and teaching sector in Western Australia. Ashleigh is currently a Lecturer in Professional Learning at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia, where she supports, guides, and collaborates with staff to (re)consider their pedagogical practices to maximize the use of Murdoch's new collaborative, technology-enriched active learning spaces in Murdoch's new teaching building Boola Katitjin.
Murdoch University
Job Title
Lecturer in Professional Learning

Ashleigh holds a BA (Hons-1st) and PhD in English & Cultural Studies from The University of Western Australia, and a Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership from Queensland University of Technology. Ashleigh’s research interests lie with the scholarship of teaching and learning, in particular professional learning, and the study of gothic and horror in literature and popular culture. Ashleigh is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, the Associate Editor of The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture, and the Managing Editor of Aeternum: The Journal of Contemporary Gothic Studies