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Kevin McStravock

Kevin McStravock (he/him) is Lead Policy Officer (Devolved Nations and Europe) at the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), the UK’s independent quality body for higher education. Before joining QAA in 2021, Kevin held a number of leadership roles within the student movement including as Deputy President and Vice President for the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and as President of Ulster University Students’ Union (UUSU).
Job Title
Lead Policy Officer

Kevin has experience on several boards including served two terms as the student representative on Ulster University’s governing body and the board of Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), the Irish quality and qualifications agency for third-level education. Kevin recently graduated from the University of Winchester with a Masters in Student Engagement in Higher Education where his dissertation focused on the perception of power dynamics among student governors across the UK and Ireland. He is passionate about inclusive and authentic approaches to student engagement.