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Ensure that all disabled learners have access to a names staff member

Some learners said they felt they would benefit from either a named staff person/key worker to talk to about any aspect of their support needs, or support from other students.

“Students need one person they can deal with – it’s too difficult dealing with 10 teachers, IT staff, department heads, support staff, etc”. Parent

“Students advisers didn’t have much time to speak/listen to me.  I really needed someone to talk to.  Often a 10am appointment next Tuesday isn’t good enough”. Learner

Some learners said they felt they would benefit from either a named staff person/key worker to talk to about any aspect of their support needs, or support from other students.

Suggestions included disabled student support/discussion groups, student mentors/buddies or drop-in centres (specifically for disabled learners) to allow them to ask questions on any aspect of college support, and/or where to access information from other agencies in relation to other support needs.

“It would be nice to have a student mentor, someone who has done the course and who you could ask questions of or get some support from, my college doesn't have a student union, and most of this course is done on-line, so I'm on my own a lot, and don't feel particularly confident about what I'm doing, I'd appreciate someone to talk to”. Learner