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Race Equality Charter FAQs: Membership of the Race Equality Charter

The answers to some frequently asked questions about membership of the Race Equality Charter.

How does an institution become a member of the Race Equality Charter?

Please refer to the dedicated webpage ‘Membership and the Equality Charters’ for further details. Please direct queries regarding Race Equality Charter membership to the Membership team

What are the steps to applying for an award? 

The Race Equality Charter team recognises that applying for an award takes time, which is why any new institution joining the Charter from 2021/22 will have five years to apply for an award. The starting point for this process is the submission of a letter of commitment to the five Guiding Principles of the Race Equality Charter from the Vice-chancellor/Principal of an institution; a template will be provided to support this. From that point, an institution officially starts their journey to advancing race equality as a member of Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter, with access to the Charter’s branding, support, guidance, resources, events, coaching and more. Once a member, an institution will want to continue working towards race equality and a full award application. In the first instance, most commonly, the award level sought will be Bronze. Successful applicants who become award holders are able to use the specific award logo. 

Is there a fee for an award application submission? 

The Race Equality Charter members’ package includes being able to submit for an institutional level Race Equality Charter award. 

What happens if an institution is not successful in obtaining an award within five years of membership? 

If a member institution fails to apply for an award within five years of membership (new members from 2021/22; existing members should refer to their application submission deadline stipulated on joining the Race Equality Charter), their Charter membership will be withdrawn. If there are extenuating circumstances, these should be discussed with the Membership team well in advance of membership expiring.