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Remuneration Committee

Governing bodies are expected to establish a remuneration committee. The committee's role is to determine and review the salaries and the terms and conditions of the head of the institution and other senior post holders.


Membership of the committee is expected to include the chair of the governing body and at least three other independent/lay/co-opted members and, where such a position exists, the ‘lay treasurer’.

The head of the institution may be a member of the committee and is expected to be consulted on the remuneration of the other senior post holders. They should not however be present during any discussion of their own remuneration.

The committee is expected to obtain and use comparative data to help inform its judgment as to the level of remuneration the head of the institution should receive.

Additional resources

Briefing Note 16: Remuneration

This briefing note summarises the work of the remuneration committee. The committee’s work includes determining the remuneration of the head of the institution and other designated senior post holders. The committee operates with delegated authority, reporting and making recommendations to the institution’s governing body for its approval.
Download the briefing note

Illustrative Practice Notes

In partnership with the Committee of University Chairs (CUC), we have developed an Illustrative Practice Note on a the role of the remunerations committee to support governors and share practice from governing bodies throughout the UK.
Download the illustrative Practice Note

Find out more about governing bodies and their committees

Governing bodies