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Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference 2018: ‘Engagement engagement engagement': Key facets to establishing a successful peer-mentoring programme: Lessons from one UK HEI

This presentation reports the findings of an evaluation of peer mentoring schemes over seven undergraduate programmes in a UK HEI. It aims to introduce delegates to the differing approaches to peer mentoring and the model chosen to establish within the target programmes. The results of the research indicate the challenges of initially establishing a scheme and the key ‘facets’ required to achieve success. These ‘facets’ involve engagement of three parties; students academic staff teams who are required to manage and support mentors and critically academic management who are required to provide direction and give such a scheme importance and credibility.

Room 559_SOC2.5c_Claire Hennessy.pdf
Room 559_SOC2.5c_Claire Hennessy.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.