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Changing structure of whole course to allow part time study for own learning needs/carer needs/disabilities while still fitting in with rules for full time funding and graduation with cohort

We did not have approval for a part time course. When investigating this I came up with 2 startling ideas that might not be that startling to others. Firstly to do what is now a 3-year course part time would take 6 years. The second was that full time students only attend for about 27 weeks a year and are then off working for agencies.

The challenge was to design something that allowed 3 days a week attendance over say 45 weeks per year. This would then fit in with our current approval and regulations which states that a student completing a year's worth of modules within an academic year is classed as full time.

changing-structure-course_0.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.