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Extending the concept of the one minute paper model

A paper from the 2013 STEM Annual Conference.

The one minute paper has been demonstrated as a beneficial pedagogic tool. It can give some guidance on the development and engagement of the students and can provide a level of reflection for the tutor to enhance and pace module delivery during the remainder of the module. Stead (2005) gives a comprehensive overview of the literature surrounding one minute papers reporting that student opinion was highly favorable yet there is a low uptake within UK and US higher education institutions. Stead reports “unawareness” and a perception of it being too time consuming as the main reasons for its lack of uptake.

The aim of this paper is to evaluate and enhance the student’s experience using a weekly one-minute-paper using a Year One module on web development. It sets out to show that it is possible to develop an effective easily manageable and maintainable model for deployment and review.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.