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NET2019 - Incorporating simulation with lectures in a Pediatric Nursing course: A quasi-experimental study

We explored the use of simulation as a teaching strategy, with classroom lecture to demonstrate theoretical concepts and improve knowledge acquisition. In a quasi-experimental study, we aimed 1) to examine the difference in knowledge attainment between a group having simulation as part of classroom lecture instruction versus a group that had only lectures, and 2) to explore students’ perceptions of faculty teaching effectiveness when simulation is introduced as part of classroom instruction. Undergraduate Nursing students in a paediatric course participated in this study. Students’ performance on a standardised NCC examination and their evaluation of faculty performance were assessed at the end of the term. Students in the simulation group (86%) scored higher than the national average NCC score compared to students in the control group (34%), χ2= 21.9, p <.001, and they rated their faculty higher on teaching effectiveness than their counterparts in the control group. 

NET2019 - Asma Taha
NET2019 - Asma Taha View Document