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Simulation games constructive alignment and multimodal approach to teaching and learning in Media - HEA Annual Conference 2017 - Generation TEF: Teaching in the spotlight

Aims: Three approaches (Simulation Games Constructive alignment and Multimodal approach) to maximise teaching and learning output and outcome that can be applied across disciplines. Objectives: Simulation Games (1) The ability to apply tools to specific scenarios (2) Time management (3) Bridging the gap between declarative and functional knowledge (4) Facilitating learning in the classroom (5) Stimulate inspire and instil enthusiasm for learning. Constructive alignment 1. Promote active learning 2. Demonstrate connection between Intended Learning Outcome Assessment approaches  and learning activities 3. Transform students from listeners to active creators. Multimodal approaches 1. Create Rubrics- assessment and feedback 2. Promote participatory learning

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.