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Teaching and Learning Conference 2019: Reconceptualising assessment to promote student learning resilience and wellbeing

In this workshop we present results from a longitudinal mixed-methods study which evidences that dialogic feed-forward assessment asserts a positive influence on the undergraduate student experience in a number of interrelated cognitive and effective ways. Staff-student dialogue impacts positively upon learning uncovering emotion and enhancing resilience and wellbeing. Through activities and discussion a staff-student team will encourage workshop participants to reconceptualise assessment and feedback as a collaborative process at a number of scales within their institutions. Participants will be encouraged to plan assessment approaches conscious of student stressors and emotions maximising the potential for sustainable learning and academic success.

Reconceptualising assessment to promote student learning, resilience and wellbeing.pdf
Reconceptualising assessment to promote student learning, resilience and wellbeing.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.