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Using a blended approach to support calculations skills of pharmacy students

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

Pharmacy students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in pharmaceutical calculations and must achieve at least 70% in the calculations section of the General Pharmaceutical Council registration exam. With the flexibility convenience and usability afforded by online learning a calculations e-package was designed to support pharmacy students. The package comprises calculations with worked examples provided in the form of videos with voice overs that were created using smart pen and pad technology and practice questions with feedback responses.

An evaluation of the usefulness and impact of the e-package on students’ performance was completed in partnership with students. Two calculation quizzes were developed: one delivered before the release of the e-package and one after two weeks. Participants (n = 90) results showed scores improving for 68% decreasing for 13% and showing no difference for 19%. Statistical evaluation using a paired t-test showed that the difference in scores was statistically significant with a p value <0.001. As a result of the quiz performance the e-package was released to all pharmacy students and their views were sought. 368 completed the questionnaire. The majority (94% n =214) who used the worked examples found them helpful/very helpful and 70% (n= 222) felt very confident/confident with calculations.

In conclusion findings show significant improvement in scores after release of the e-package. Students were very positive about the design ease of use and impact of the e-package on their future calculation competency. This package is in routine use by our pharmacy students and its content is being further developed.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.