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Work based learning Costing Study

This publication is a product of the Higher Education Academy's work in the field of Employer Engagement. The Academy has been working to help develop the capacity and capability of higher education institutions to provide higher level learning to the workforce building on existing practice and the general recommendations of the Leitch Report.

The Academy's work has focussed upon the promotion of best practice the networking of HEIs and stakeholders with an interest in this agenda and research into the possibilities and practicalities of providing work-based learning. We have worked with government departments funding bodies subject communities individual HEIs and other relevant agencies to support this agenda. We have also coordinated network groups to allow discussion at the level of specific roles from Pro Vice-Chancellors through to work-based learning practitioners and staff focussing on research in the field.

By working both extensively throughout the sector and intensively with specific individuals and institutions the Academy has been able to raise the awareness of workforce development support those trying to get to grips with it and make some important contributions to research in the field. This publication is one such contribution that we hope will continue to shed light on the possibilities that workforce development offers to employers HEIs and prospective students.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.