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Working together to ease the HE to work transition

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

There has been much focus in recent years on the school to university transition. Within the chemistry community the Royal Society of Chemistry has funded many projects on this theme that have resulted in useful published resources. There has been less focus on the university to work transition. An important aspect of this transition is equipping undergraduates with employability skills; team working communication problem solving etc. Additionally employers want new graduates to understand something of the culture and vocabulary of industry and to understand some of the constraints within which industry operates. Recently the Education Division and Industry and Technology Divisions of the Royal Society of Chemistry have come together to address this issue. The outcome is a collaborative project through which colleagues in industry will identify real and complex problems which van be transformed into learning resources case studies and problem-based learning scenarios to be used n the undergraduate curriculum. The resources produced will be made freely available to the higher education n community as open educational resources.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.