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Melanie Hibbert

Chief Executive and Founding Director of The Intersectionality Network, formed 2017, as a result of lived experiences. She is focused on increasing inclusive opportunities for Disabled Black women and continues to work tirelessly to bring about awareness of racism, ableism and intersectional discrimination in higher education and in employment.
Job Title
Chief Executive, The Intersectionality Network

Melanie uses her knowledge and skillsets to offer services for inclusive change by providing bespoke training, workshops, consultations and research etc. She applies an intersectionality approach throughout her work. She is committed to understanding interconnections of societal responses, barriers and impacts. She will always finish her work with affirmative action in inclusion change. Melanie holds a range of qualifications, including a BA Hons degree, PG Certificate in Disability Studies and is currently studying for an MSc in Disability Studies.

Her commitment in the area of race, disability and intersectionality for the past 16 years, earned her an award for her contribution in 2017, by the prestigious Trinity College Dublin, in the Republic of Ireland. When she supported the institution in its own transformational change to offer equal opportunities to all staff and students. Melanie's areas of expertise extend beyond employment, education, to also address barriers in the community and parenting. Melanie also has insight as a person with a late diagnosis of having dyslexia and Asperger’s, she is also a mother, carer and has disabled children.