He is by training and orientation, a sociologist of higher education with expertise related to academic praxis; institutional and research governance; scientific accountability and engagement; and higher education policy reform. He has held previous academic appointments at the universities of Bath, Warwick, Surrey and Cardiff; in addition to having been seconded into government and experience of establishing and directing a university spin-out. His recent research has focused on the organisational and health and wellbeing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on university communities, for instance: https://wun.ac.uk/wun/research/view/watermeyer-covid19-survey/.
He is also leading research within an international programme exploring the future of education and work in the context of global digitalisation: https://digitalfuturesofwork.com. His recent books include: Competitive Accountability in Academic Life: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/competitive-accountability-in-academic-life-9781788976121.html and The Impact Agenda: https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/the-impact-agenda.