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Student maternity policies

University of Leeds has a policy and associated guidance notes on supporting students during pregnancy and maternity, which is based on the following principles:

  • avoiding less favourable treatment
  • taking a flexible approach
  • demonstrating a non-judgmental and sensitive approach
  • enabling informed choices

The policy and notes are designed to encourage early notification of pregnancy, and clearly outline the responsibilities of the university, schools and faculties, individual staff members, students and applicants.

The University of Glasgow’s policy on student maternity makes clear the student’s responsibility to inform their department or faculty of their pregnancy. The student’s department or faculty is then responsible for organising and completing a health and safety assessment. The assessment covers the student’s course as well as any placement or fieldwork that is due to be undertaken. It also details the steps needed to alleviate or minimise any risks that are identified to the student or her baby.

The policy also raises awareness of the fact that an unborn baby is at greatest risk during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.