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Sustainable Development in Higher Education: Current Practice and Future Developments Executive Summary

This is the standalone executive summary of a report for the Higher Education Academy that is the culmination of a six-month investigation into how different subject disciplines taught within the higher education system are contributing to creating sustainability literate graduates. By undertaking such an investigation the Academy sought to identify good practice in approaches to teaching and curriculum development; what barriers exist in embedding sustainable development in institutional teaching and learning strategies; as well as assessing the support required for widening and deepening the embedding process.

The approach adopted throughout the research has been non-prescriptive open and participatory. The report is a quick assessment of the current state of ESD not a comprehensive review. Nevertheless it represents the first interdisciplinary and integrated investigation into ESD and its implementation within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) within the UK.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.