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Governor responsibilities

A number of the key responsibilities of the governing body's are introduced below. Each area of responsibility has a brief overview and links to further resources which provide additional information about each topic.:

Academic governance and quality

Explores the differences between 'academic' and 'corporate' governance, noting the two parts of an institution's system of governance need to work successfully in tandem if governance is be fully effective.
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Compliance and Regulation

Discusses the complex operating environment faced by higher education institutions and the various and often demanding requirements placed on institutions.
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Commercial Operations

Explores some of the typical commercial operations run by institutions or by third party providers on their behalf.
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International students and developments

Examines some of the issues around international student recruitment, research partnerships and overseas campuses, and associated institutioal strategies and current trends.
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Risk management

In an increasingly uncertain and less stable operating environment, institutions are increasingly mindful of the opportunities and risks. Governing bodies need to ensure the key risks have been identified and are effectively managed.
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For many institutions students are the single largest source of income and vital to the institution's survival and sustainability. As a consequence, the quality of the student experience and the ability to attract students to the institution, especially now many students are paying higher tuition fees, is of high importance.
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Strategic plan

An important aspect of the governing body's work is to make sure the institution has a clear strategic direction.
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Monitoring performance

Once the governing body has agreed the institution's strategic plan, it is the responsibility of the executive to manage its successful implementation. By having in place a system of key performance indicators, the governing body is able to monitor the implementation of the strategic plan, allowing it to judge whether the planned outcomes to the plan are being achieved.
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Find out more about getting into governance

Getting into governance