Enterprise and entrepreneurship education can add value to the journey of learners, whether they are interested in starting a business venture or being enterprising when working for someone else in the private, public or voluntary and community sectors. A growing evidence base highlights the value of developing enterprising and entrepreneurial skills in learners; both in terms of facilitating the creation of new ventures while in education and upon graduation, but also by enhancing their skills, values, attributes and behaviours relevant to all manner of employment opportunities.
The collaborative project is a shared project involving Advance HE, SFEDI, the UK Government-recognised Sector Skills Organisation for enterprise and business support, and higher education providers across the sector. This project will take place online.
This project is now closed for new participants. Find out more about our current collaborative projects.
Join the first cohort of the new Embedding Employability in Higher Education collaborative project
The Embedding Employability in Higher Education collaborative project is due to take place from September 2023 - May 2024. This project involves bespoke workshops, working through the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY® methodology to understand evolving practices within the thematic area of employability.
Project aims
The project aims to:
- understand current levels of enterprise and entrepreneurship at a programme level
- develop a clear image of what enterprise and entrepreneurship looks like in the curriculum
- identify ways in which enterprise and entrepreneurship can add value through extra-curricula activity
- support colleagues in engaging with enterprise and entrepreneurship within the curriculum
- provide a platform to share good practice regarding enterprise and entrepreneurship
- work collaboratively to navigate challenges and add value to your programmes.
Who should join the project?
The project seeks to recruit those who:
- wish to further their understanding of enterprise and entrepreneurship in the curriculum
- are committed to taking meaningful steps to design and introduce change in their practice
- appreciate the value in working in a shared environment
- have a broad interest in employability, enterprise and entrepreneurship
- wish to identify how these topics can add value to the learner journey, regardless of discipline origination.
The project is open to any programme or subject cluster, regardless of discipline.
Project structure
The working practice for the project is comprised of:
- an Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Survey and benchmarking
- an interactive virtual collaborative workshop including all project leads
- a bespoke individual workshop for each institution
- meet with project leads through an ‘online cafe’ drop in session to discuss progress, challenges an opportunities
- a second virtual collaborative workshop with project participants
- a briefing report to shape your practice
- the opportunity to contribute towards a sector wide practice-based publication to distil findings for the sector.
Why Advance HE?
Since 2016 more than 70 institutions have participated in Advance HE collaborative and shared projects. Projects are cost effective and are delivered as a focused period of activity. They are grounded in sharing excellent practice, developing innovative approaches and assessing the impact of change.
This project will draw from Advance HE’s work in the area including:
- Embedding Enterprise in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Collaborative Project (2019)
- the Advance HE Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Framework produced in partnership with EEUK, IOEE, ISBE, SFEDI and the QAA (2019)
- the Advance HE Embedding Employability in Higher Education Framework
- our strategic enhancement projects in employability and enterprise
- Employability Case Study Compendiums (2020 and forthcoming 2021)
- Advance HE Symposia including ‘enterprise, entrepreneurship, employability and education for sustainable development’ (forthcoming 2021), ‘breaking the mould’ (2020), ‘pedagogy for employability’ (2019), and ‘an enterprising mind set for employability’ (2018).
We have developed a number of blogs, resources, videos and more which aim to provide guidance in this area. The Framework for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education provides the focus point for our enterprise and entrepreneurship education activity going.